today, as i walked through xi pu, the local city, i experienced the latter. usually i make a point of saying ni hao to every hello i get, but today, the amount of hellos were getting to me. it seemed every 2 minutes there was one group or another was saying hello. at the end of my walk, i was fed up. if it wasn't the nicest of hellos, i ignored it, and walked on. the last hello i received was from a group of boys walking towards me on the other side of the street.
as they approached, there was some nudging and nodding, and finally, one of them worked up the courage to say hello. i gave no response or sign that i even heard him, and walked on, staring straight ahead. i next heard, "what's your name?" that is second most frequent thing you will hear on the streets of china from people who know two phrases of english. i ignored this as well.
the next shout really got my attention, even though i didn't show it. "F*** you!" he shouted. it was clear he was joking around, and there wasn't any viciousness in it. but it wasn't what i expected to hear. i kept on ignoring him, and they walked on.
it seems like the english education is in full swing in china.
another note--i can't imagine being french or spanish in china. being constantly greeted in a language not your own must be incredibly grating.
but hey, at least they sound friendly.
1 comment:
Remember when you collected a quarter for every swear striking your ears? I am with DuChang in HK; he thinks you must have collected a fortune from moi. You are way too cool for that now. ...
Visited Guilin last week. If you get the opportunity, take it. Both city ans countryside are exquisite. Ancient artists and poets worked in wonder there.
C has to go Beijing Th and Fr, and I shall tag along.
I hope FG liked your caption
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