one of the biggest surprises as they began digging was what was underneath the dirt. all the landscaping at my school is set on giant concrete trays. i thought that the earth was there, and they paved paths between the buildings. instead, the concrete was there, and they added the earth later.
reminds me a piece that michel gondry that is in his director's work. buy it (it's definitely, definitely worth it) and check out the book that comes with it. you'll see what i mean.
but i digress--the work these laborers do is immense. with hand shovels and baskets, they are systematically ripping out all the grass near where i live. they get there around 8 in the morning, break for an hour or two at lunch and leave by 6. in this time about 12 of them in three days are almost done with the lawn. i am amazed...and a little sick.

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