so i saw my first live rat a few days ago, and now i realize why they usually hide in the dark and avoid open spaces. as i was walking from the post office at 10 in the morning, there was a commotion in front of one of the stores. there, a family of three proprietors (wife, husband, grandmother), were chasing around a rat about as big as my two fists put together.
the rat didn't have a chance. whenever i imagine wild animals, i think there is no way i could ever out run them. these people did. it may have been because he was a fat little sucker, or it could just be the fierceness of the chinese people. first the wife chased it into the center of the concrete in front of the store. she stamped and it flipped over on its back, got up, and ran the other way. the woman continued to chase it, but the man got it first. with another vicious stomp, the rat was no longer moving. i turned away from the final deathblow, but i was about the only one who did on the street.
a tip for rats: keep to the night, and the enclosed places. stomped is not a good way to go.
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