Sunday, October 21, 2007

quiet cab, huh...

Earlier this evening I took a new Chengdu cab. They are sleek and shiny and more expensive. At a red light, I noticed that the inside of the cab was silent, a large difference from the older models.

I'm pretty sure the driver noticed me notice the silence of the cab. Immediately, we were deep in a silence contest. Having practiced mightily in my youth against stiff competition at MacKenna's Restaurant, I was prepared. The red light must have lasted 30-60 seconds, tops.

It was quiet.

Sure, I heard noise coming through the open passenger window, but inside the cab I could have heard a kuai fall.

Right before the light turned green, I turned my head slightly, making a slight rustle with my hair against the seat. It was finished. I had lost.

A half-step later, the driver shifted his hand on the steering wheel, and the silence was officially over. A few moments passed, as we settled back into the noise, then he let go of the clutch and we moved on.

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