Saturday, August 18, 2007


Here is a perfect recipe to spoil your child. First, bring him to a grown up dinner of hotpot. People may be smoking, you yourself might be smoking, but that's okay, who's ever been hurt by second hand smoke? While he is there, try to ignore him as much as possible, unless he's hidden the baijiu. At that point, try to lavish enough attention on him until he shows you where he's hidden it. Then begin to ignore him again.

My favorite moment was when this kid--who I also know from the office, where he was sitting at his father's desk screaming "Ba! Ba! Ba!" (ba means dad) for at least a minute, when clearly his father was out of earshot. I told him to go and look for him instead of sitting there screaming, and he did...all it takes is a little chutzpah.--was playing with matches. He was about to light one, when his uncle took the match away. Phew, I thought, at least some one is looking out him. His uncle then took the match, rammed it in his ear as a Q-tip. Meanwhile, his nephew had lit another match, and coughed as he breathed in the sulfur fumes.

Another fun instance was when the kid realized that you could take two lighters and put them together to make one big flame. It was awesome! He smacking his mom was cool too.

Please, parents, pay attention to your kids, and not just only when they've hidden your alcohol.

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