just arrived in wuhan. the gorges were nice, the small gorges were cool, but the smaller gorges were the best. each set we took a smaller boat into the water. finally we were in a traditional boat, albeit powered by a motor, being sung to by our two chinese guides.

on the boat i formed a laowai posse of 2 canadians, 2 germans, a brit, swiss, and dutch. it was nice to be the only american. after the boat trip we disembarked and took a bus to see three gorges dam. it was big. we stopped what seemed like 8 different places. we thought we might dig under so we could see the dam from the bottom.
then the germans and i took a bus to wuhan, me sleeping all the way. after rain, a few cabs, and one illiterate cab driver, we made it to the hostel and safety.
so that's where i'm at. check ya later.
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